shit man,went to escape ytd and then the security guard say:today friday,never open.we were like.WTH?!?!?!we wasted time but alrights we decided to go white sands for breakyfast and then headed to ntuc/fairprice/or whatever supermarket to buy some snacks for consuming at sentosa.yes,we decided to go macs,yeewen ate slowest and she drank some stupid hot tea.she only drank 1/4 okays.she's wasteful lar.tsk tsk.then we took photos in macs again.then to ntuc.we were like eh,that one cheaper lar.yar lor,this one nicer and somemore got free drink leh.then yeewen made a so true,don't you think we are like aunties,taking what's cheaper and what's got offer.tsk tsk.and we went to buy food,yeewen keep taking so much snacks.she's a pig lar.tsk tsk.
we travelled on the train and since we were bored,we took retarded photos/act cute photos.tsk tsk,we were talking bout pri sch and those stupid uhh girls.tsk tsk.we reached tiong and they went my house to get volleyball and stuff.went down to the bustop and guess who we saw!omg,we saw celestine chen liyi.omg she's darn diffe but her character and inside of her is still the same,that's what i'm still liking about her..i love her dyed hair.she looks almost like a guy.i would have fallen in love with her if she wasn't a guy.tsk joking.later we took 131 and saw hanting and company.we saw lotsa pple that day man.tsk tsk.
we reached sentosa,and found a spot to rest and play volley.the sun was glaring we could only play a while.but hey i was the 3rd survivor.yeewen and chars still continue playing.tsk tsk.finally they couldn't take it and they rested and eat.slack for a while and chars and wen went back to play again.soon,they came a guy
[gay bernard].ella,luye and me knew he wanted to play volley.he asked and yeewen said yes.ltr,other guys came.namely stan
[white chicken looking] and nicholas
[sentosa guy].tsk tsk.after that chars was totally busted and funny.they went for 'training' and then came back after those guys finally relented.tsk tsk.we were laughing at the whole hilarious epi of em playing.tsk tsk.and i took their photos!and there was this classic whereby sentosa guy surf the ball,hit white chicken looking guy on the head and bounce off to the other side.tsk tsk.we laughed and laughed.
ltr we slacked while i tanned.i seriously got tanned and man,i love it.i tanned for round erm an hour.tsk tsk.woke up and went to see what chars and wen were up to.they love buring yeah took photos of it as insisted by wen and ltr went to play volley again.i won chars.tsk tsk.i'm happy!and then ltr luye and ella came back,telling us how fun the luge was.we decided to play volley a while before going and yeah.
we reached the place and bought some luge car thingy.we sat on it and hey,we have to admit whenver we go,we meet pple.there's this malay guy who said he very shuai,so he coach us we must be happy.tsk tsk.wen said shuai mehs.tsk tsk.ltr we learnt how to ride.we were supposed to do it in pairs.but we all set off at the same time and it was the five of us playing.tsk tsk.we were like.ARGH!WAIT FOR ME!NO SLOW DOWN,ARGH!YEEWEN!LUYE!CHARS!ELLA!JUNE!tsk tsk.i knocked into wen and later we went hahah-ing.then we took this super high chairlift back uphill and wen,chars and ella were scared.tsk tsk.was sitting with yeewen,took off my helmet and relax.but hey,wen was scared of heights so it's okays lar.understandable.yeah.tsk tsk.we reached and wanted to go for the carlsberg thingy but when it was our turn the person said that we needed another ticket not the entrance one,we were like forget it.
decided to return home at 5 but we took the green line which apparently was the wrong one lar.we made one whole round and we realised it was wrong.ltr we took the blue line and it was frigging crowded.there was this bunch of madmne/madwomen.shit lar,they can't even laugh properly plus they keep banging into us like what man.not even ashamed.can even take photos in a super crowded place.we were like wth!?!?! went we came down.ltr we took the departure shuttle bus.though was crowded but not that bad eh.reached,baded goodbye and went to meet my parents.yeah.went grandma house and went home to sleep.was a great day! love it! :D
the chronicles of us:

my tea is hot okays,don't force me to drink that fast.[we're bored you know!tsktsk.]

cute right![yeah,i asked you to :D]

i love coffee mate![geez,i didn't know that but judging at what you do,i think i realise it.tsktsk.]

yeewen is darn slow.[i know that!*yawns]

i can't stand it!argh![SO DO I!]

we beaus right![yah yah.tsktsk.]

eh,i cute right!this is no. 10![hahah,aw so cute! :D]

eh,no 9 lar.[i know,my hand there somemore.hahah.]

4 cuter right?[yah!]

pretty right![eh,so pretty ar.]

slack lar,they stupid,go under the sun.[hahah,yar lor.]

aiyah![got guys
gays to acc you all leh!]

okays,thanks ar![no prob!*giggles]

eh,wen's leg very beau right![wen,don't be thickskin,tsktsk.]

hahah,right.[see my leg nicer :D]

i'm scared![no,it's fun!]

i'm terrified![but i'm not :D]

we are that high!?!?![not really.]

then?[we are this high!]

argh![calm down!]

look i can't.i'm scared![you look alright,seriously :D]

you look happy![of course i do.tsktsk.]

peacocks are vain.[like you!]

aw,say goodbye![*sniffs!]
i see your memories fading,i can never imagine the day you forget me.