june:nono!i want macs,so can use ezlink card and buy.
june won.
yeewen:okays lor,macs lor.EH!since we never suggest long johns,why not long johns.
yeewen:okays lor.
and the competition ended.
hahah,then we ate and ate talking about mermaid.and we were like the song goes like this,the person's lips very big one then i want to watch and we started YAH YAH YAH and we stopped,stared and laughed at how people was staring at us :D
decided to take mrt to somewhere and play play play.went down to mrt station and decided bugis.before that we were like eh why not go compass point hougang mall or even segar[though we don't know what's that,sounds like a seed or something].hahah.we went bugis talking about chao ah lians and chao an bengs.at that very moment joe msged,but we said we were home.HAHAH.anyway we weren't really lying!we were not at tiong.hahah.then we took neoprints.and there was this totally cool machine that has fan in it plus plus plus the floor can elevate you up okays!it was darn cool and we were the coolest of the coolest :D
took other neos again and went to buy some drinks.hey look we were lost at bugis okays.and we went seiyu to look at sb and i suggested making a bikini with wong wen wen face on it for her to wear to sentosa with me!hahah.then we went pasta mania to but vanilla coke and we walked round and round like merry go round for 2 times then we sat down and whoola we stared at neos.though we looked like er- lunatics,we were happy.we took mrt and started talking bout table tennis and how we were like in pri sch.now i really miss pri sch,all the class cutting with stupid excuse about dancing but were playing in art room.and all the hand clapping and funny phrases we came up with.now that really made me sad,i love radin mas.so totally loving it.wanna go back.sheesh,i love rmps,i love my six great buds and i love my teachers who were so funny.and yeah,once again.i love my past.argh.gotta go.and hoho!MERRY CHRISTMAS[ask yeewen,i don't know why] :D
the waiting of yeewen:

i'm going down the elevator!don't stop me.[like i would:D]

i told you not to stop me,i will come up![i didn't stop you!]

i love sitting in the car!can you spare me a dime so i could make it move?[sure!]

i see andy lau my chiobu!nah,i don't wanna ride,i want him![go get him yourself then!*puts in a dime and sits in it.]
hahah,that was fun! :D look at the guy posing!act cool only,and by the way,decided to reply my tags in the tagboard!psst,yeewen and me cheated money! :D