we were all sinners,thus our spiritual life is as black as this page.you may think you didn't sin.but hey look,didn't you lie.yes i betcha you did,so you sinned,i sinned everyone sinned.

so in order to be cleansed and go to heaven to where God is and enjoy,we have to believe in God.why?his blood cleansed blood.in order to be cleansed we must believe he is the Son of God,He came from Heaven to Earth to save us.He was pinned on the cross for our sins.He died and rose 3 days later.He is the truth living word of God.so once we believe in that and we want to and we are,we will be cleansed and go to heaven to enjoy eternal life just like how Jesus rose from death and went to Heaven.

and after believing,we will be spiritually cleansed like this!yeah,and we can go to Heaven!how great is that.

this is what you guys might think of GOLD=MONEY=VALUE.but in Heaven as the bible tells us,Heaven is a place where the pavement is all in Gold and you'll be feeling oh-it's-so-cool-walking-on-gold-plus-i'm-in-heaven-with-God thing!so see how great it is.

and not only saying you believe you can go,you must grow spiritually in God and yeah let's meet in Heaven!

the caterpillar is also one of the way we can preach.notice the colours babeh!hahah.

yah,church tshirt.

yes caterpillar again.

my church tshirt logo!cool right and i belong there! :D
so yeah,this is what is called preaching without words.hope you guys will dig into such stuff.it's really cool and i hope for some non believers you will realize how great God is and if you wanna be a christian,feel free to contact me baybeh!i'll either bring you to church and feel the love of God or we'll pray,pray,pray and PRAY!!!!so hope you guys will become christians :D i'm welcoming you with open arms,and my church rocks! :D