Can I ignore you some other time?
It stinks big time when you keep remembering you've got smthng to blog about, but the minute details? They just don't seem to get registered in your head, sheesh.
I made a new discovery about Bus 14 today, & I'm pretty sure everyone who knows me well enough, will know what I'm talking about. I dig sharing my joy with everyone. So, lovely. I'm going to make sure I catch that bus everyday, & get my daily dosage of joy.
Wendy was totally crazy during English today, thank god Mrs Ly-Ann didn't see my script. I would have died of utter embarrassment if Wendy read it aloud. & there was this huge dispute over buns, bread, & more stuff, which is allegedly, claimed to be perverse. (But I really don't think so?!)
I got moved away during Chinese lessons cos V & I were doing our thing again. But hello, we're two deprived girls needing some space, can't they feel our agony already? Geez. Okay, I'm so looking frward, to our, what may seem like the last final step, date. (Ooh, how exciting, & thrilling)
Maths, usual. Recess, usual. Except for the whole Girlfriend part. I love reading those phrases out loud, it's so irritating. Oh, really, I love CH. CH has been the best lessons for me so far. Why? Cos the best part involves plain fun & talking :D Seems like some of us have gotten the best part of us out.
& really, we could start creating our own story, already. It's starting. & it seems lovely to deal with.
& I love the idea of having one date per week thing, it's good.
Well, sometimes you never do think TV serials are exaggerated, do you? Cos, it might just apply to your daily life. Look around you already.
Here's a little smthng.
"I'm busy now. Can I ignore you some other time?"You know you love me.
Labels: Madonna - 4 Minutes.