
birthday cakeee!

retarded indeed.

we're all so retarded,still.

outside the 'dark & dim,nice for couples' roof terrace.hah.

once again.

oh, bdae cakee.

figure that out.

the nice nice night view from the 'dark & dim,good for couples' roof terrace.

fondue indulgence.

yet again.

happiness of indulging in fonduee.

delicious strawberries.

the wonderfunkaye chocolate fondue we had.

nice huh,duh.it cost us a bomb.

their very nice glass of iced water.

that is a very dangerous fok that pierces through the food you eat.

i dont know what this means,but still.

the complete set of hagen daz chocolate fondue cutlery.

hagen daz!



the expensive tissue.

presenting,the chronicles of bdae celebration album with miss wong(:
okay,now yeewen this are all the photos that you want okay.hohoho.
hahahaha,so much for all that.went out with yeewen to celebrate bdae on the 2nd!oh my(:totally love it la can.we went out & meet at arnd 3 then went to OG(ya la very auntie la)then bought our super super pretty OP skirt.hahahaha.wanted to buy the shorts,but some other days,we don't have enough money then.went all arnd chinatown for 10 mins plus to look for a toilet without 20cents.oh my goodness,chinatown compared to marina is like worlds apart & marina doesnt charge for their toilets but chinatown do,how ridicle.then we went & change then crapped arnd in macs while eating our medium pack of fries.
went over to city hall & walked walked all the way to marina,walked tons & decided to get our bdae cake from Bens in suntec,walked over,super tired in the end decided to get it from secret recipe when there's one in marina._. darn.i know,we're stupid.hahaha.then walked all the way back to marina to go back to citylink to go to esp.then we were lost at marina can!we were like we must reach esp at 715 latest,then we were lost and reached there at arnd 730.stupid,fancy getting lost there.hahaha.
then went to esp hagen daz & ate chocolate fondue.oh my goodness,they're heavenly can.look at all the fun we had,you should be able to know how heavenly it was huh.then later we eat until super full,i nearly puked.tsktsk.
then went to roof terrace.it was said to be dark & dim,very good for couples by yeewen.we twisted what she said,very dark & dim for couples,wonder what can you do at a dark & dim place for couples.tsktsk.then we went to find a romantic place & took photos & sang bdae song & yada yada.all was romantic,just that the partner was a girl.hohoho.too bad.
then we saw hotels,yeewen & i decided our nxt birthday celebration we'll have when we've got our boyfriends respectively is to book a hotel & have fun tgt,as in the right way.we'll bring our friends & partaye!(:then force all the guys to hug & take photos & partaye partaye partaye!i reckon it will be very funnn(:till then,i love yeewen!:D
P.S we were super tired,our legs were sore.walked too much,way too much,wanted to go for massage but shop was closed.very sad fate indeed we have.
then saturday went for cap ball & then went sushi teh,yada yada.took loads of pics with my sister,rather random.playing with the soy sauce,wasabi,conveyor belt & yada yada.had church the nxt day & went out(:
wrapping up,it was all so fun.hah.
pinky & the brain,pinky & the brain brain brain brain.