Birthday keedz.
By the way, here's a lil shout out to 2 people, whom at one point of time in my life, gave me immense joy!
Cheong Baoyue dear, my dear ghost. I'm your vampire, forever. & you're 16! Hahaha, am I still taller than you? Okay, that's really besides the point. Happy sweet 16 love, miss those Billy Bombers camwhore days, miss those after-school nonsense crap. Miss classmates days. Miss talking to you, I haven't talked to you in the longest time, & we kept saying we'll meet up for Bils, sigh! It's okay, after Os, honey. :D I miss your nonsense, big big big big time :D
Okay, I miss bionicle bunny. Hahah, those lame-o neoprints. Seriously, I think we wasted tonnes of money last time, if only we realised how ridiculous we were, & we so could have used digital cam! Hahah, but it was hella lotta fun-o, yes? I miss you.
Stay in His love, always, for the good Lord will bless you, & let Him take reign! He loves us all :D
Belda Chung, my smexy junior! Hahaha, we met totally randomly, I rmb it was due to your brother, your brother's good friend, & blah blah blah. We went out randomly, we talked randomly. But you're sucha lovely smexy thing I could never forget. I miss holidays with you, miss Toysrus with you, miss Swensens with you! Haven't caught up with you for the loooooooooongest time honey, we've all been busy ): But after Os, we'll so hangout, I treasure this like you do, alright-o? I miss you big big big big big deal.
I miss talking about 'life philosophies' with you! Hahaha, & about (inserts a few names) :D
You too stay in His love always. He'll provide for you in your darkest moments, He'll walk you through, okay? Loveeeez!

Labels: Corrinne May - The Birthday Song.