I'll nvr let you go.
First two days of sch! Was awesome, but kinda boring tooooooo ):
But tday, Mr. G was super funny, don't knw why.
Thank God for Valerie. Thank God for letting us meet, & having our paths crossed, just like what you wrote. Thank God for providing me w sucha a listening ear. I thank God for a friend, whom I nvr drift apart w, even tho we didn't go out at all during d hols, since both parties were away. She's more than a darling, more than a goodfriend, more than a bestfriend. She practically is my everythng, truthfully speaking.
Valerie, I just wna let yknw, I've nvr had sucha great friend like you, & I would rrly rrly hope we'll continue on, no matter what comes our way. Like how you mean it, I mean it too. You've been sucha blessing t me, providing me w d best pair of listening ears I could ever have, & providing me w your presence whenver I needed you, so badly.
I'm so sure I'll be able t do anythng for you, or even just t protect you, yeah, this may seem lesbo, but yknw I mean it.
I wna be here for you, forever.
I can't ask for anythng more than this.

I'm so glad you're back, cos I need you alot. I'm so thankful for your present, I simply love how you actually choose d present, I love how you spend much thought.
& I love your card, it's simply d sweetest thng. Really.
With love,
Labels: the GazettE - Best Friends.