A lovely oasis, where life's weary taste is unknown.
It's nearing the end of the year.
We're all gonna be sixteen, in a blink of eye. But sometimes, we wished we could all just stop the time, but time is running out.
Someday, we'll all come across a box of memory, where you can just sit at the couch, looking at everything, giving a smile on the wrinkled face and probably dropping a tear, and marvel at how innocence has gotten into us at that point of time.
And maybe because it is the time of the year, where you're gonna yearn for more, that's why I'm currently thinking of all the fun I had in primary school.
I can remember how 6B`04 rocked.

I can remember how I looked like an idiot. How I clipped my hair up & sling a pink strapped waterbottle. How I don't smile in photos. How we all had center parting which was
oh so cool at that point of time. How I have always been sitting on the front bench during photo sessions. How I love screaming and shouting. How anti-boys I was. How I behaved just like a tomboy. How I was never attracted to Weixiang even though he was kinda like the popular guy. How I sat next to him and talked to him but never once fell for him. How I always had to pair up with him for prefectorial stuff. How I was always standing next to him during Prefect's Investiture. How it all sounded like.
We, the prefects of Radin Mas Primary School, pledge to do our best in our duty and uphold somthing.Kinda vague, but sounded something like this.
How I screwed myself up by raising my hand up for pledge faster than usual. How I was the naughtiest prefect ever. How I got into trouble with Mrs Tay. How our gang were always playing at the fitness corner. How Vignesh pronounced
pebbles as peebles. How Mrs Tay read out the descriptive essay, which went like
I sucked my lollipop like a vacuum cleaner which got all of us chuckling real hard. How Yolanda swoon over Mister John Tan. How Jye Huey was my very first friend in the school. How I sat next to Ella in Primary Two. How fate brought the whole clique together. How we spent our post exams time together playing murderer. How we modified
Fei Yu Qing's songs and stuff. How Yeewen and I were the noisest, lamest, retarded and 'mature' minded kids. How I threw Weixiang's correction tape when Derrick irritated me to the core. How Weixiang and I were forever taking care of the Primary Two classes and how we loved to shout inside the classes. How significant Primary Five was, with the Prefectorial Board doing up a dance, where I remembered we were forever skipping lessons together, saying we were practising, but all of us were practically playing. How I poured my whole waterbottle on JieJing and how I slapped Ivan. How I forced Weixiang and Meixian to hold hands. How Derrick and I sneaked out of school for fun. How we made fun of papaya bre**t. How I was forever guarding the porch and stairways for duty. How Beryl and I used to be such great friends. How I always attend her birthday party and played with her comp and this heart attack game. How I got stunned by the chocolate cake.
I can remember everything, the clique and the times we spent playing broken telephone and much more. Innocent were the times. And we probable never did expect how we would step out to the world out there, into secondary school life. We probably took each other for granted and just indulged ourselves into the fun, thinking it will go on forever.
Though primary school life ended, I thank God that I'm still in contact with the gang.

Yolanda, Jye Huey, Yeewen, June, Luye, Ella, Teh.
As much as we would like life to go back to the good old times, but reality doesn't entertain such foolish thoughts.From Primary Six, all of us grew, up till now, it's been 3 years. Many of us have most probably changed, but our friendship didn't waver. It felt great when I could meet up with everyone, going crazy in front of them, as usual, and not feel any distant from them. Probably we are not as innocent as before, not as naive as before, but it still feels heartwarming whenever we met up and just talked about everything.
I can still remember I started celebrating my bithday with Yeewen, in fact, it was our birthdays since mine falls on 1st and hers on the 3rd.
Though we may have gone to different schools, somehow, we always managed to meet up. So, in Secondary Two, we celebrated. I still remembered we were lost in Marina Square for 45 mins, trying desperately to look for Esplanade, our desired location to spend our night. We ate chocolate fondue, talked and took photos. Somehow, you'll never feel the distant even though we probably don't share recesses together anymore. We are forever doing retarded stunts and I remembered that we bought the same skirts and changed it on the spot, we shopped, talked and ate and how we were asking other people for lighters, how we were starving, and how we were forcing ourselves to finish that pathetic piece of cake. Everything just came as natural, and we could just relive everything.

Then it was this year. I still remembered how we spent our time in kbox, just singing only Jay's songs since we're his ardent fans. How Joe was there to sing his retarded songs. After that, we went for Sakae Sushi, and we went in search of our perfect slice of cake. Once again, we borrowed lighter and celebrated, and of course, we bought the same dresses, all in the name of friendship. I can still remember how we planned our 18 years old birthday. No matter what comes our way, I'm very sure, I just wanna celebrate my 18 birthday together with her, with our plans.
Also, our only Jay's songs kbox times are great. We would go mad inside, talk rubbish and everything.
Of course, the clique.

Though separated, we still meet up. And how heartwarming that is, there's no words to describe. The fun we had in primary school. The memories that lingers around the fitness corner, where we always play broken telephone and those chilli crab games, will never be forgotten. The memory of us forever eating laksa and fried chicken is etched deeply. How Yolanda squirmed about the 'clean' first stall auntie, how we would always think of bookshop as our paradise, how we were kinda childish, how we never did quarrell, how we never backstabbed and how we had to climb how many dozens stairs to reach HCL classroom. How we were going mad over 5566 and Jolin Tsai at that point of time. How we attended the same tutions which seriously didn't get any knowledge driven into us, we probably just went there and had fun making up warped theories and writing
'Sorry, my brain freezed' on the paper and just hand it up. How we always called our tuition teacher Dory and how we always laugh our arses off at the back of the class, being the noisest, while the others just quietly do their work. How Yeewen got scolded the 2nd day she came, and how she stopped tuition after one month.
It's great that we had Mrs Tay even though she scared the shitxz outta us when she lifted Jye Huey from the ground, when Jye Huey didn't draw a line. It's great that we had Huang Lao Shi loved us greatly and how we could run out of classroom to take our textbooks from locker without her knowing.
Of course, the great memories of Table Tennis trainings. It all started with only two members. I still remember Yeewen laughing real hard, resulting in her hitting me with her bat. I still remember most of the gang were inside table tennis except ella and teh, who were in netball. I still remember how the bunch of us got 'promoted' to train with coach. Yolanda was the best player among all of us, Jesline and I playing doubles. All those time, were awesome. How we gossiped madly about coach. How we always call Celestine shuai ge. How we always chewed on sweet before competitions. How Jesline and I were forever playing doubles together in competition. How Mister Lum will give us 2 dollars to reward ourselves after competitions. How we never hit rock bottom even though we were not really good at playing table tennis. How we entered the top 3 in zonals and how we fought on where tension and laughter were always present. How somebody was playing hard against others, while Yolanda and I will sing some gay song like,
Jingle balls Jingle balls, some are big some are small, just like sotong balls, to ease the tension. And how we would sing the sentosa island song because coach's head reminds us of that. How we would all train with coach while others will have competition as to who will catch more balls with the basket. How coach always say he'll consider us good if we can hit just one ball that he is going to give us. How he likes to turn one whole damn round after hitting the ball which sent us all laughing. How we always take off his track pants in front of Yeewen. How he was smacking the mosquito which we though he was smacking Jye Huey. How Jesline and I will laugh hysterically and play together as one double. And just how those times were fun, having our own compeitions and laughing our arses off, together with working our arses off for competition. Training could never get any better.How Yeewen and I will think which guys are cute, and how we found our legendary Mister Referee and how the gang always went Escape and found Xiao Mei and his twin brother.
Childish as everything may seem, it evokes laughter and tears whenever you think back. And it's just wonderful that we can still sit down now, and talk about everything from the class, even though we may never be as naive as those times when the gang never once did quarrel, nor backstab each other, we were just plain janes, laughing our arses off, thinking this will go on forever. But reality cut us down. But, we can still gather and relive those good old times. This friendship is something to be treasured, and well, I hope we all could keep in contact, all the way till we grow old, till we will all high tea together, reliving all those good old times, and laugh it all off, while our kids and future spouses go on just doing their thing.
That sight will be great.And the bottomline is, I wish we could all just go on together. Not leaving anyone behind, because this friendship is built up over 9 years, and what we have, is pure innocent fun.
Oh, and for any 6B crazy arse of 2004, here's our class web, cool aye?
With much love,
Labels: Pink Martini - Hang On Little Tomato.