How to save a life.
Dear blog, I've been neglecting you due to overload of studies & much, funnnn :D
Sorry aye, a kiss to make it all up :D
Anw! Cross country was screwed, dude, honestly screwed! & boy, sure do I love it screwed! Reached there, like really late, & god, I wasn't even caught. Loser tag for you guys! Then, the competitive started for the 'B' division(honestly, I still cant get used to the fact that I'm an uppersec, yeah you get the drift). Then I was like, OMG, 'B' division, isn't that us?!? Aye, then the race started. & for pete's sake, Luke finished it first. Man, was he fast! Then cats dogs or whatever shit you want to call it came pouring down! Sheesh, its added load to our sickness that we're having. Then we went into hiding & started talking to Alcinda. Cross country was cancelled & Alcinda came my hse, I changed clothes & went to her hse, while she changed, I slept a bit. HAHA. Yes, pig. Then, headed off to town, & I scratched a tiny bit of my red )=
It was like heaven to be with them! Shop-a-holics aye scandalous? Spread it like wildfire! I love buffetting at Sakae Sushi with scandalous! & I love shopping partner :D adoration! Then, went home & bummed arnd, didn't have any mood to study. Yeah punish me, not like I'm gng to hell because of that.

Alcinda! Shopping partner, loves!

Sorry but, I didn't feel like gng to church, so went arnd calling people. Started calling Vion at first, then she was sleeping(ah, that pig!). Then I just kept calling her & she picked up the phone & saved me from my boring afternoon! :D Headed to her hse & spent 2 hrs plus plus there! Went to Bugis to meet her sweetheart Adraino(no doubt, it's that superstar guy). Then we met Zhiyang! :D Oh boy, he's so hamster-y? Hahaha! Then shopped with the two lovebirds! & damned! I should have recorded all the girls reaction when they saw Adraino. They were like EH! THAT GUY IS ADRAINO! OMG! HE'S SO SHUAI! Haha, I could have laughed my anal off! Okay trust me, it's that funny. Then Adraino started talking & well, I got more comfortable & I opened my trap & started talking crap. Hahaha. While eating the three of us were like crapping & damn, it was hilarious! Adraino's like some vain girl who loves taking his own photos, using my phone, intelligent aye? Hahaha. I guess that's human. I admit cam-whoring is fun fun fun! :D

Zhiyang! :D Awww!

Vion! Sugar! I adore her man!

Adraino! :D He's crappy nice man :D

Okay, don't ask me where is he looking, I have no idea!
Then headed home & met my friend, then went home & snoozeddd :D
Church today was fun fun fun getting high with porkpie hunny! I love you so much! All the hot stuff we talk abt :D oh yes! Valentine's is ours to dominate! (even though we're not celebrating on that day!) But we're surely gna kick some arses with our fellow pies! :D HONEY O HONEY! I LOVE YOU! :D Oh & I met Alcinda! She wore the suspenders! :D Woah! & photos :D! Cam-whoring spirit is back & ooo, I love it :D

Shopping partner in suspenders! Aww!
OH I LOVE VION! It's been way so so so so so so(yeah, you get the drift) long since we've met! Buddies for 9 yrs man! Love her & I'm so gna meet her on a weekly basis, cause I miss those days! AH I LOVEEE HER TO SMITTERINS!
No worries Yeewen! I love you truckloads too babycakes :D
Screwed! I haven't revise my work & I haven't done all my workkkk )=