someone just pranked me, or maybe it's true, i don't know!
pranker: hi, may i speak to mr & mrs tan.
mr tan seng teck.
me: huh?
pranker: oh are you their daughter?
me: erh, yeap.
pranker: are they in?
me: nope.
pranker: okay i'll call back ltr, thanks sweetie.
me: erh. okay.
the person, has a damn
nice & lovely weird voice.
okay, so here i am, back to the blogging scene ;D
much has happened, but nah, let's not talk about those
happy sad stuff & dwell on it yah, i guess i'll learn to forgive & forget!
took random photos!

weitsin ;D

can you imagine. we're the same age! xinann! ;D

selene ;D
so, ytd went to amanda's hse &
studaye slack, okay we INTENDED to studaye luh! hahaha. in the end i ended up talking shait with amanda, & mag was like eh you two shuddap can a not! hahah, so i went out to the basin & started burning paper with manda! hahaha, we were like geog freaks, burning will cause sulphur dioxide & we are wasting petroleum. oh screw exams & screw the theories. hahaha. aft that we went back & we started girl's talk. we asked lynnette to join, she have a hilarious & shocking answer. both of you talk, i listen ._. what the hell right. in the end it was four of us talking on the bed, really
sucky sweet! like, some sleep-over thingy! hahaha. then we talked about some stuff not to be mentioned, for there are guys, get the rough idea? hahaha! then we made video of us dancing & prancing, really funnaye! me & mag realised it was a good sport, we perspire more than we were having pe, so go figure & guess how
obedient extreme we were! hahaha ;D i'll post the photos! funnaye. & lynnette is so sweet luh! she's a prettaye girl! & a prettyaye funnaye one! hahaha!

amanda shun me ):

she looks so cute my dear vulgar parnter! ;D

bestfriend! suckers for life my dear bimbo ;D

lynnette is damn sweet looking! ;D


spastic like shait luh!

cmon! let's act cute ;D


bestfriend sticks her butt out ;D

we gay & laugh tgt. ;D


man, it's her again ;D

say goodbye!
chiong-ed home with yelin right aft sch, much has happened todayaye. oh well. hahaha! oh & i should stop procastinating, & get my arse on the chair & start mugging! hahaha.
& now mr tan suspects i dye my hair. HAH.