
BOO.i'm here again!scrapped princess so cute(:changed the picture to hearts made by hands(:so totally rock right,but it stained my hand for days.HEH.well,so so so bored.everyones so mugging now lar,then come online also no one.BOOHOO.lucky i started mugging faster than them lar,then at least dont have to rush like crazy(:well well,see see see.DIG YOUR EYES OUT.heh.today when i was searching for my vocab book right,i came across this letter that i wrote when i was like super young,think bout primary one or kindergarden(:it's so totally funny but yet innocent.i finally understand why they say the small kids are the most innocent and write whats deep down from their heart.the letter goes like this:i love mummy,but mummy dont love me.i love sis,but sis dont love me.i love papa,papa is the only one who loves me(:thats so utterly cute right.still have still have,i wrote they are mother sister and father of mine.heh,so funny(:heh.that's one more about my sister boyfriend.heh, i drew a guy and a girl.OBVIOUSLY YOU KNOW WHO THERE ARE RESPECTIVELY.heh,then i wrote got one bot give my sister rose.i think he likes my sister.but the guy so ugly,my sister so pretty[i drew that down].then i say the boy loves my sister but my sister dont love him.HAH.isn't that ridiculous.i mean it's so super CUTE and innocent.heh,i wanna go back to those times(:and now,my wish is to learn guitar!