class gathering!:D
BOO.hahah,yes yes.i'm coming into details about the class gathering peeps!BBQ/14th OCT 2oo5` FRIDAY/hahah,yar.that day was super fun.we went to play dark,catching and soccer.then we headed for xinya's house.once we reached,cher and me rushed for water to drink,we were utterly thirsty lar.FEEL LIKE DRINKING THE WHOLE SWIMMING POOL UP.so you can roughly get the idea how thirsty we were.hahah,then we went swimming.omg,i don't know how to swim lar.want to learn also still don't know.argh.so stupid.then in the end i stayed at the jacuzzi with jim[my darhling:D],glenn and nigel.NIGEL WAS MAKING A CUTE CUTE NOISE THAT SOUNDED LIKE A POKEMON LAR.hahah.he's so cute.then later the security guard chased us out of the pool as it was raining heavily.we wanted to wait for kel they all,but after much consideration.we decided to run back,and lucky we did it lar,because they were looking for glenn's goggles.hahah.we went to the clubhouse and yes another place of fun.hahah.then i was slacking and i took lotsa pictures,later kel,cher and me went to walk around and we found frangipani.not knowing what was the meaning of that flower,we put it on our head.hahah.then we acted like models and yes,people were staring at us.hahah.then we took pictures and videos.after that we had a challenge.it was to raise our hands and test who would put it down first and stupid nat said it would be me.ME AND CHERS THE GREAT DECIDED TO PUT OUR HANDS DOWN AFTER VERY MUCH LONG CONSIDERATION BECAUSE NO ONE IS GONNA WIN IN THIS CASE,WE HELD OUR HANDS VERY VERY VERY LONG ALREADY.and so the happy kelly won.hahah,then they went to play,i went to talk to zijie,play at the bbq pit then later i took photos and ate and then we played ball again.the security guard say cannot play,cause it was already at night and people complained.then we were OKAYS LOR.then we went to find another place to play,this time we played by the swimming pool.and once again we were shooed off and being told that 7th month some girl died there and oohlala,i went to tell chers they all who were swimming.hahah,they were scared out of their wits and adding on to the situation.amy said she smelled frangipani and i made a casual remark saying ooh,are we gonna see a pontianak?hahah,but we believe in God.and then i said later got water ghost pull their leg.hahah,they were so scared.they came out and then chers took a long time bathing,i was playing and in the end we sang birthday song for 1e and we packed up.but we still played after that lar.though something piss people off.but it was nice lar,i hope we will forever be so NICE:D

BBQ WORKERS!hahah,that was what they called themselves:D

benjamin says HELLO!

that fire looks so blue,so heartwarming doesn't it?

that's mr. alastair with his cheap lighter.

can you smell the aroma of the chicken wings?

glenn attacks the chicken wings,benjamin says no.titus continues cooking.HAHAH:D

that's bryan SMRT and jarrod onion with coke drink.

cher and kelly BOO.

let's all concentrate on cooking guys!

xingya sure proves that the pizza was nice!

what's going on,continue cooking!


happy birthday darhlings:D

will you look at that stupid smile of mine.all the guys are greedy,it's concluded from this picture.

the mr. alastair very macho hero,fall down on the road.

he looks wet.gees.

jarrod's straight and tjuay is tjuayed with U2 men's wear!


so dark lar.

SMILE SMILE SMILE.i love that fringe of hers.


hey,well isn't that the self proclaimed cuty pie.

cher says kelly act cute.HAHAH.

me and my 'husband'.hahah,see we so compatible!:D

BOOHOO.look at the height difference.

smile david,come on.look at how cheerful me and cher are!

YES,that's what i mean!SMILE.

yesyes,our class girls,some part only lar.but we rock:D

JOEL'S CUTE.so i insisted on a photo with him.HE'S SO NATURALLLL.

well,spare me from that.isn't that robert!

yes,it's me sarah and desiree our monitress.hahah.

i covet chers husband.SHH!don't tell jim or cher!hahah:D


nat nat and nigel boy boy,oops nopes.is nat nat and nigel the swimming pokemon!

yes,nat nat and nigel the swimming pokemon!hahah.

are they playing poker>OOOHHHNO,i tell teacher!hahah,no lar.playing 'daidi' lar.JUMANA LOOKS INTO ZIJIE'S EYES AND SPARKS WENT OFF.HAHAHAHAHAH:D

purple sweet potato attack!so great quality!

OMG!how can my husband take on two girls at a time.HOW DARE HE CHEAT ON ME!hahah

sarah takes two boyfriends:D

sheesh,they look hungry.

wait till ms lily sees this,david!

they look wet,but in fact they aren't.YES YES THE 2 JOKERS:D

that's the frangipani on us lar!but we are pretty!hahah,so what's the problem?

titus reveals only half of him!


that was the flats.
and all in all,this were the crazy photos we took!hahah.we sure had great fun.
zijie:hahah,yar yar,you.VERY LAME LAR:D