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Sunday, May 29, 2005

Title: i a m v e r i i e l o s t t . - x

maybiiee tiiss issue ishh gone . ? i donn knoww . i realiie donn knoww . i am too exhaustedd liiaos . yeshh . siimpliie to exhaustedd . i feel liike breakiingg downn . i tiinkk i cann collaspe aniityme if tiis tiinggs contiinues . i longg tiime nevaa blogg liiaos lorrs . tiis farkiingg com arhhs . asshole mann . shouldntt have arrskedd moii siistaa boiifrenn to repaiir lorrs . he make spoiil everiitiingg . arrskk hiim fcukk off andd diie larrs . aiiyaa . fcukk larrs . i sho freakiingg tiiredd lorrs . aiiyahh . ytdd do homeworkk untill 1 am plushh . wake up 730 am go churchh . freakiingg tiiredd . i wannaa go take a napiiee . buaaiss . buaiis .

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Title: i a m v e r i i e l o s t t . - x

tiis ishh wadd i call whole packk of liies euu knoww . todaee ishh liike i experiiencedd a storiie teliingg dayy . how niice . !(as iff) ishh lykkee . ohh farkk . mr chann was lyykee ytdd i tott euu guyys were goodd fwenns . noww arhhs . enemiies arhhs . aiiyo . mushh learnn to forgiive andd forgett nehhs . oh pleashh mr chann . some tiimess in a fiit of angerr we carnnt larr . owells . denn he walkkedd overr wenn bothh of ushh were quareelliingg andd arrskk . okeiis lerr arhhs . ? i saiid we are quarreliingg . guess tat sendd hiim off . owells . todaee was lyyke piisedd alsho larrs . tatt veriiee personn wentt to saee i fliirtt . ! hurtt moii heartt onliie . he arhhs . aiiyo . donn knoww wadd to sae nehhs . owells . ishh alriite lerr larrs . jumanaa helpedd moii . ? owells . thankeiis manaa . yeaa . owells . i tiinkk i shouldd biiee sorwiiee too larrs . maybiiee i wass realiiee enthuu in tokiingg to emm . ? owells . sorwiie . okeiis . miiss tohh scoldedd moii todae fore badd attiitudee . am i sho unluckiiee todaee . owells . jushh nortt moii dayy larr . aiiyahh . donn knoww larr . noww gortt mosquiitoo biite at moii eyee . contiinue scrathchiingg andd i will have swollenn eyee . owells . haiis .tiinkk i go restt lerr . lolls . =)) buaiis pplee .see yaa pepps tmll .

Monday, May 23, 2005

Title: i a m v e r i i e l o s t . - x

heyys peepss . ishh lyke i am backk to blogg agaiin . ? i am realiie lostt liiao lorrs . althoughh todae vesakk dayy .thoughtt ishh a niice dayy . burtt turnn outt tatt anotherr personn betrayedd moii . ! i realiie carnnt take it aniimore . tiis sihh anotherr personn tatt i trustt a lortt howevaa she betrayedd moii trust . andd calledd moii a biitchh somemoree . haiis . disappoiintedd ishh derr wordd to descriibe moii feeliinggs noww lorrs . i realiie toldd her all moii personall secretss lorrs . denn she lyke tatt . haiis . i realiie donn knoww who ishh lyiingg to moii larr . maybiiee she nevaa call moii biitchh but someone jushh wanns to sabohtage our frennshiip or mayybiiee ishh true larr . haiis . i donn care alreadiie i donn care oreadiie larr . i onliie knoww noww i realiie carnnt trustt aniione liiao . except fore hiim andd derr hiim . yeaa .tatt all . i tiinkk derr otherrs ishh jushh nott worthh moii trustt or nott evenn worthh aniitiiingg lorrs . i jushh fiiniishh some rubbiishh tiinkkinngg andd reflectiionns . haiis . i am realiie piisedd noww lorrs. . andd on derr verge of moii tears lorr . burtt nobordiie care . realiie lorrs . realiie likke no bordiie cares ferr moii . i liive in diis worldd ishh jushh sho extraa . wiithourtt moii derr worldd will biiee fiine . tatts all i have to saee . burtt i got somethiingg eless to saee . althoughh i once trustedd derr two of euu sho marchh . euu guyys betrayyedd moii trust . andd tiis ishh wadd i gett . i have alreadiie learntt moii lessonn derr hardd wayy . realiie . once biitenn twiice shiiee . realiie tatt phrase ishh truee . i realiie gortt no otherr thiingg to sae to euu twoo burtt tatt euu people goodd . betrayy moii trustt . donn evaa tiinkk tatt i will beliievee waddevaa euu peoplee saee or evenn euu swearr i wonn care or giive a damnn shiit wadd euu all sayying . i realiie donn giive a damnn andd make it clearr tatt i wonn trustt euu peepps at all . andd i meann NEVER . yupps . haiis too sadd to conntiinuee lerr larrs . guess i at leastt still have feww frenns . haiis . i wann to go restt lerr andd take a breakk beforee i go madd . i donn knoww howw to face tmll . haiis .

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Title: i a m v e r i i e l o s t t . - x

haiis . i am backk to blogg liiao lorrs . ishh lyke i realiie donn knoww whoo to trustt liiao lorrs . ishh lyke there ishh tiis freakiingg personn whiichh i usedd to trustt butt siince last friidaee i donn . cause she betrayedd moii . i hate herr . ! ishh lyke trustedd herr sho marchh andd yertt shee diid tiis . taughtt moii a lessonn liiao . i noww onliie will trust two hiims . yeshh . andd maybiie moii chermaiine(i miss euu . diid euu miis moii in perthh . ?) lolls . hahaa .mushh buyy moii a prezziit lehhs . euu promiisedd moii one lohhs . haiis . aiiyahh . i realiie cantt standd moii class . butt to all of moii classmatess . i realiie lurff euu ppeepps larr . butt cann we stopp all dere suspectt heree susspectt deree those tiingss . cann we jushh acceptt everiioness shortt comiinggs andd denn improove andd realiie biiee a uniitedd class andd deree owaeiis ferr eachh otherr notts . ? ishh lyke i realiie wann to biiee a uniitedd class lorrs . hopee euu guyys cann inderstandd larr horrs . yupps . butt seriiouliie we all gort some short comiinggs whiichh ishh we lyke telliingg pple otherr peoplee secretts larr . whiichh i tiinkk we souldntt larr horrs . i admiitt i moiiselff olsho lyke tatt larr . tatt ishh whiiee i tryiingg to improvee liiao lorrs . aiiyahh . des . i knoww euu veriie angriie aboutt her fore tellinng hiim ur secrett larr . butt we cantt do aniitiingg noww . wads done ishh undonne . no use cryiingg overr spiiltt miilk gett it . ? letts jushh forgett aboutt itt andd biiee goodd fwenns agaiin okeiis . ? derr mostt ishh giive herr anotherr channce larr . aiiyahh donn blame dorotheaa fore aniithiingg lorrs . she nevaa do aniithiing lorrs . shee ishh derr one deree ferr euu whenn euu have no fwenn larr . aiiyahh . derr biiblee arsskk ushh to forgiive andd forgett riite . ? letts triiee cann . ? mm . yeaa . andd aboutt des euu hate tat gurll fore snathchiingg yourr boiifrenn . aiiyahh . donn tiinkk too marchh larr . euu olsho knoww who she liike riite . ? yahh . so okeiis . ? jushh lett herr fliirt awhiile wiithh yourr boiifrenn larr . iff he realiie lurffs euu he wiill rejectt derr gurrll andd stayy faiithfull to euu okeiis . ? yeaa . tatts whiiee lorr . tiis maybiiee a blessiingg in diisguiise . ? testiingg hiis faiithh of lurff ferr euu mahhs . alriite . tiiss ishh all i have to sae liiao lorrs . i gonnaa have moodd swiinggs veriie soonn liiaoo . tatts all . buaaiis .

darrliinkk i love euu althoughh we quarrell oftenn okeiis . ? euu standd a biig place in moii heartt andd i miishh euu owaeiis . i love euu . ! okeiis . haviingg moodd swiingg arhh . sorwiie . forgiive moii . buaiis buaiis . love euu .

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Title: i a m v e r i i e l o s t t . - x

i am veriie lost lorr . ishh lyke i am sandwiicheedd in betwenn pple liiao lorr . haiis . stiil stiickk to moii darr ishh betaa larr . aiiyaa . i donn knoww wadd ishh goiingg on larr . ermm . i gott case goiingg on noww arhhs . sorwiiie . blogg next tyme . !